About Me

I am Heather-a wife, but first a daughter of God. I hope all I do and say(and blog) will bring honor to God, the Creator of life, and my saviour, Jesus Christ. While I love my pets, horseback riding, hygge, writing, photography, and good stack of books-life is only worth living when it is lived for God.

I live in a small town in northwest PA, in the Pennsylvania Wilds and my husband and I attend a conservative Mennonite Church nearby in Pennsylvania. We love our fellowship and our faith has increased during our time there.

I love blogging because it helps me keeps my thoughts organized and I can help spread the word of God further than I can just telling someone face to face. I also live to write, and so I started A Daughter of Promise.

My goal is to share my life but not show a perfect life. I suffer from migraines, chronic pain fibromyalgia, and Asberger’s syndrome.

Some days the sink is full of dishes and there is a huge stack of laundry that needs to be folded. No one wants to read a gripe, especially me! And on those days, I don’t want to be on the computer, but rather spending my spare time taking a nap, or even better, running to my Heavenly Father for an attitude adjustment.

Typically I write about whatever I’ve been doing or reading, and offer a daily devotional. I offer glimpses into my life.

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